Psychoanalytic Salons
Our Psychoanalytic Salons are based on Freud's Wednesday Psychological Society Meetings.
We hope to encourage and foster intellectual curiosity and friendly debate within our community. Our vision is of an intimate gathering of ASPP members listening to and discussing a member's recently written and published paper. Of course, black coffee and cake (click here if you are curious) is served along with wine, cheese and other snacks.
If you would like to present at an ASPP Salon, let us know!
We will give preference to the published papers of candidates, recent analytic graduates and earlier career analysts, but hope that this will not discourage faculty and supervisors with recently published papers from inquiring.
Please email us at society@adelphiaspp.org if you are interested and include a pdf of your paper if possible.
Our first Salon was a success! Dr. Kahoud presented excerpts of his paper to a group of ASPP and Postgraduate community members that included candidates, advanced candidates, faculty and supervisors at the home of ASPP President Elizabeth Sullivan. A lively discussed followed and the conversation lingered into the evening.
Dr. Kahoud's paper is an inquiry into the role of smartphones in shifting the dynamics of human relationships as we have traditionally known them. He reimagines the Oedipus Complex to account for the company we keep in the digital age—the smartphones that have become ubiquitous inhabitants of our interpersonal world. Specifically, he focused on triangular relational configurations that now include smartphones as ever-present object representations. Further, he explored the nuances of how smartphones play oscillating roles as points of contact in interpersonal triangles. Whether idealized or devalued, worshipped, or despised, eroticized or dehumanized, real or imaginary, smartphones are imbued with a broad range of intense human projections.
The Rise of Oedipus Tech: Life in the Shadow of the Digital Object was published in Psychoanalytic Inquiry:
Kahoud, D. (2023). The Rise of Oedipus Tech: Life in the Shadow of the
Digital Object, Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 43:1, 47-56, DOI: 10.1080/07351690.2023.2160192

Dr. Dustin Kahoud
The Rise of Oedipus Tech: Life in the Shadow of the Digital Object
Sunday, November 3, 2024